This is the download page for the Quantum Rebellion Fleet Editor and Game Rules.
A note on the Fleet Manager software. I wrote this software using the Python scripting language. From there, I packaged it into a Windows executable. Because of the way the scripts are packaged, some anti-virus programs may flag this as hazardous. It is a false-positive; I’m not trying to infect your system. But, I understand if you’re a bit hesitant. If you’re comfortable running python scripts, send me an email and I can set you up with the code to run on your own.
If you do download the software, just unzip it to a folder on your computer and run the QRFleetManager.exe file. If you need help, check us out on the Facebook group, or shoot me an email to
Authors Note: The link for the Fleet Manager software has been removed while I update it to the current edition of the rules. If you would like to be notified when it becomes available again, please email me at pymapper at for release info.
Quantum Rebellion Fleets used at GenCon 2021:
The Facebook group can be found at