Feedback and Commentary

Have an idea for a new feature? Β  It would be really nice if pymapper did this…? Β  Please drop me a line so I can improve the program.

If you find a bug, please visit theΒ help page for information on what to submit, and where to send it.

46 thoughts on “Feedback and Commentary”

  1. Used Pymapper 8 on Win8 and it seems to be ok.

    You need more guides tho. I find it really difficult to work out what to do with some things. Like why you dont have square geomorphs? How do I create a new master geomorph template?
    May need a bigger picture page – what you think its meant to do, its role in gaming, where it might be going etc.
    Would probably help you to do a guide on how to use Pymapper with Roll20 as well, Roll20 seems to be the “in thing” at present. I also use Maptool but easy to use maps in that.
    Glad you are back in action.

  2. Thanks for the info on Win8. Good to know that it’s operational on that OS.

    Thanks especially for the other feedback. I’ve plans for more guides and tutorials, but extra time being in short supply has hindered that effort. As for the geomorphs, there was a good reason they were set at the current size, but it’s been too long ago for me to remember what that is. Square geomorphs are certainly possible, what size would you recommend? I’m going to put up a page for future developments, so check back there and leave a note if you have more ideas for improvement.

  3. Hi, I can’t seem to be able to change a tileset quantity… I change it to 2 but i doesn’t load 2 sets… help! thanks.

    1. Hi. I have the same problem. I use the program for test the map before create it with the real tiles. I have 2 copies of some sets, but I can’t load more that 1 set in the program.

  4. I love the idea and I could sit down and learn it in a matter of minutes, but it never seems to work with me. I got two separate versions to see if it was the program or computer, but it refuses to load the tiles properly, always ending up unable to find them and making them all Xs. The ease of the program is awesome, if only I could load tiles. I think the key problem is that it’s loading them with a blank folder in the directory path. It doesn’t show the path in 8, but that’s why it wasn’t working in 7. I love your work though, any help would be appreciated πŸ™‚

    1. When pymapper installs, it creates a subfolder named “tiles” where it was installed. In that folder you should have a single subfolder for each tileset, and that is where the images go. Is this the case? If not, please send the error log (called pymapper_errors.log) to bugs at for analysis.

  5. Gentlemen,

    I am looking for Pymapper tile sets and add on’s. Where is a good place to find them? Anyone have any better how tos?

  6. Just got the program, looking forward to using it. Have Win 8.1 and it didn’t want to import the tile sets from your website at first. Ran the compatibility utility and it runs it in vista mode. Is there a tutorial for creating your own tile sets?

  7. Hey guys,

    just downloaded the program (used mastermind before), like the handling of this program much more. The only thing that disturbs me is the lack of tiles. Do you have more tiles or is there a webside or a group where tiles are shared?

  8. Hello there!
    I’ve recentely downloaded Pymapper and I think it’s awesome!
    I’ve read the tutorials and I’ve got a grip on them,
    but it seems I’m not able to create my own tileset…
    I’ve done a few drawings and I’d like to create tilesets from them,
    but I don’t get how the tileset editor works…
    Is there any tutorial/guide about that?
    Thank you anyway!

  9. A tutorial for making your tile sets would be great. I keep getting errors when trying to import custom tiles into Pymapper

  10. I’ve recently found Pymapper 8.x and have gone through the few tutorials. All good except… How does the Random Dungeon generator actually work??? I’ve created a test geomorph, but after saving it, I have no idea how to get the random dungeon engine to work.

    Can you please jot down a simple step-by-step tutorial on how to make that work? That would be incredibly useful.

    Also, I’m on Win 8.1 and everything works fine until I close the application. Then an error fires every single time. Here’s the error log:

    1. Random dungeons is due for an overhaul this summer. I will include a tutorial as part of the changes being made. Depending on time available, I may be able to get some quick intro/explanations for the interim. Thanks for the error report too, I’ll look into it.

  11. Hi I’m starting a D&D 5 game and want to use pymapper for my tiles. It works fine on Windows 8 but I’m not sure where to find other tile sets other than ones listed. I have Ruins of War but that’s it. Without others this neat program is useless to me. Please help.

    1. Andy,
      Thanks for checking out the program. Unfortunately, we had to take down the tilesets of copyrighted materials. I am working to produce other tilesets for downloads, but we are sadly unable to provide sets owned by others at this time.

    1. There are two ways to affect the number of tiles placed on the map. First, you can change between limited and unlimited placement by selecting the tile usage button on the toolbar. (It is the button with a “1x” or “infinity” symbol.

      Second is to change the number of owned tilesets in the tileset browser. Select Tileset Browser from the Tilesets menu. In the browser, select a tileset name and then click on the “Add Quantity” or “Subtract Quantity” buttons.

      1. First of all, thanks for the answer, it was fast.
        I will give it a try as soon as I get home today.
        Sadly I can’t add my own tiles yet, but I will try with yours.
        …Unless, What if a try to “emulate” a .set by editing an existent one and change the names of the images on it.
        Would that work?

  12. Happy new year everyone

    Great tool πŸ™‚

    To the ones who look for the tiles (if you still look here that is):

    email me to elmorte1973 at with subject “dungeontiles”

    1. Julien,
      Pymapper is very much alive! Version 9 was released just a little bit ago. As for the yahoo group, sometimes it takes a bit for me to get over to that part. Questions and bugs are best posted here, or at bugs (at)

  13. I’m trying to move from pymapper 7.2 to 9.0, but running into problems running it. I’m a mac user, OS X 10.6.8, and Python 2.6.4. When I run the module, it errors with this:
    File “/Users/michaeldaw/Desktop/PyMapper9/”, line 53, in
    import fog #fog of war
    File “/Users/michaeldaw/Desktop/PyMapper9/”, line 18, in
    import global_vars_91 as gv
    ImportError: No module named global_vars_91
    So I assume I’m missing that file since I have global_vars_90 in my pymapper folder?

    1. Michael,
      You can open in a text editor, and change that line to global_vars_90 instead of global_vars_91. I haven’t released 9.1 yet (soon!) but apparently I missed one of the references in the file.

  14. Seems like the Fog of War function is broken in 9.0. Not getting the dialog box, so I can Fog stuff, but can not select the un-fog features.

  15. Is there a tutorial for how the layers are supposed to be used. I’ve tried again and again and they just don’t make sense to me.

    1. The ‘save data’ in the combat tracker remembers the hit points and status of the character list. If you uncheck it and then close the box, the next time the tracker is opened it will show the previous values, not the changes made.

  16. Thanks for making Pymapper. I have a couple of questions.
    Is there any way to select all tiles/lines and move them as a group? When you change the map size, is there an option to determine where the rows/columns are added (bottom/top, left/right)?

    1. For selecting and moving all at the same time: While in ‘Tile’ mode, click and drag around all of the tiles you want to move, and then drag to a new location while holding down the shift key.

      Changing the map size currently only adds to the right and bottom, but this is a good feature to add. I will put it on the list of things to do.

  17. The Windows installer of version 9.2 is reported by Avast (v. 10.3.2233, database 150921-0) as infected by ds#finala[d]algo virus. My money is on the false positive, but I thought you might want to know that πŸ™‚
    Thanks for the impressive and amazing work though!

    1. Dave,
      Thanks for the heads-up. I ran the 9.2 installer through to see if it came up with any results, and everything checked out. My scanner at work (Symantec) showed nothing suspicious. I will check and see what I can find. It might be helpful to Avast if you could send a screenshot of the warning to so I can follow up with them.

  18. Hi i just downloaded Pymapper and i can not seem to add my tiles to it at all. I have a folder that contains all of my tiles but when i copy it to Pymappers “Tiles” folder the program does not see them i tried using the tutorial PDF but it is no help. What am i doing wrong?

    1. When you obtain a new tileset, you should store the files in a new subfolder of the /tiles/ folder. Each tileset should have its own folder. So, you should have something like this after installing several sets (assuming that c:\pymapper\ is where you installed the program):
      …and so on.

      All of the actual image files are in these subfolders. If you have done this, then try starting pymapper and select Tileset Browser from the Tilesets menu. The tilesets should be listed in this dialog box.

      If these are images that you have made yourself (ie, you didn’t download the tileset from or somewhere else) then you will have to create the tileset definition file. This file is created by the utility found under the Tilesets menu at Edit Tileset.

    2. Devin, the same thing happened to me until I closed the program then opened it back up. At that time my “tiles” folders were visible using the Tileset Browser.

  19. What exactly is the purpose of the Geomorph option? I read it has to do with random generation, but I can’t seem to find any benefit from it. Also, in order to project the player view map at the same time I view my master map I guess I have to have two “monitors” set up? Like an extended workstation? I ask because I really want to take advantage of the battle fog option.

    1. The geomorphs were intended to aid in random dungeon generation. They are a separate download, as they have a specific format requirements. They can be found (now that I realize they got deleted!) under the Tile Downloads section of the site.

      You are correct for the fog-of-war feature. The fog window is a separate viewport, so you could show it on a laptop screen, but I would expect a projector would be better. Pymapper does not detect the presence of a projector (yet, perhaps) so you would need to extend the desktop across both screens to utilize this. Please let me know of issues or improvements you would like to see with the fog feature. I don’t use it much at all, so any feedback is appreciated.

      1. Thanks for the reply. I will be projecting the player image, completely fogged over, onto a 32″ HD TV as a second monitor. I already tried it and it looks great.
        So far, this program is absolutely awesome. Thank you for it! I really needed this type of function for campaigns with extensive mapping. For example, I am about to take my teenagers (18, 19) through the original Ravenloft campaign (I-6) which has been updated for 5th ed. I have already created replica maps in Pymapper and they look great. If you are familiar with Ravenloft, the maps of the castle are very extensive and complicated – it was going to be a very slow process trying to use graph paper and a battle mat. Pymapper will allow us to flow through the story, which is already long enough, and only reveal what has already been found.
        I would love for you to take a look at one of the levels I mapped just because I am so proud of my effort. Thanks again for the product!

  20. ah what about commercial rights?… Like if I were to make a map with said program and print for publication. Figure at minimal credits.

    1. You are free to use pymapper for creating maps for publication, royalty free. I would appreciate a link to any online source for it, and complimentary copy of whatever you publish would be nice. πŸ™‚

      Any images or graphics that you use in the map would have to be licensed from their original creators, of course. The pymapper software doesn’t hold or provide commercial licenses for the tile images.

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Map Making for RPG Games