Tile Downloads



Of course, what really makes pymapper worth the trouble are the tilesets.  Below is a list of the tilesets available for download here:

*New*  Battlemaps that were available for the Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures game.  These have been modified from the Vassal module to work with pymapper: BTL

Tiles showing various caverns and corridors: Cave

These are tiles that were used in the first edition of the D&D miniatures game (before they switched to maps): DDM_Tiles

Undead images for monsters to fight: Undead_Tokens

Monster tiles from the D&D miniatures Dragoneye set: Dragoneye_Minis

The original dungeon tile mapper came with the first four sets available.  Pymapper tilesets are available below:

Dungeon Tiles 1: DT1

Arcane Corridors: DT2

Hidden Crypts: DT3

Ruins of the Wild: DT4

Toxic Rat’s Dungeon Terrain (http://terrain.pymapper.com) has some tilesets that can be used to plan out dungeons, using the products available from them.  There are two sets:  TRDT_S and TRDT_C.

Geomorph Sets:

These files should be unzipped into your \geomorphs\ folder in the pymapper folder.




External Links

I’m working on being able to host other tilesets here.  For now, you may try out these links to other sets.  I make no guarantee whatsoever on what you’ll find there.  Might be worth your time, might not.  Once you leave here, it’s out of my hands.

Some files might be available via this dropbox link.

Deviant art member madcowchef has a bunch of free tiles in his gallery.

For token images (used on monster/npc icons) you can take a look at a huge compilation here.  The download file is 340 MB, which makes for a pretty comprehensive gallery.  The images should be placed (without subfolders) in the /tokens/ folder where pymapper is installed.

You can add your own images for pymapper to automatically read,  without needing to create the tileset definition file.  To do this, you will need to create a folder in the /tiles/ folder based on the resolution of the images you wish to use.  Say you have an image that is 50 pixels to the square.  Create a folder named “50__px” in the /tiles/ folder.  Note that there must be two underscore “_” characters separating the resolution value (50 in this example), and the “px” tag.  Drop your images into this new folder, and pymapper will treat it as any other tileset folder, with the assumption that all images share the same resolution.  Incidentally, if you place that same image in a folder named “100__px”, then the size of the image in pymapper will reduce.  You can have multiple resolution folders (50__px, 100__px, 152__px, etc) in the /tiles/ folder.

Map Making for RPG Games